Sunday 22 September 2019

Motivation and Types of Motivation - for CTET, KVS, HTET, PSTET, UPTET, MPTET and RAJTET Preparation

Motivation and Types of Motivation - for CTET, KVS, HTET, PSTET, UPTET, MPTET and RAJTET Preparation

Motivation is a latin word derived from “motum”. It means to move/in-motion. It is internal energy force which makes a person to initiate any work, activity or sustain the activity.

According to Good “Motivation is the process of arriving, sustaining and regulating activity”.

According to MC Dougall “Motivation is physiological and psychological condition in the organism that disposes it to act in a certain way”

Motivation as a process or behavior refer to a reinforced, selective and goal directed behavior initiated and energized by a motive which aims to maintain balance and equilibrium of the person in relation to his environment by keeping his basic needs in the process of satisfaction.

There are two types of motivation as following:-
  1. Natural Motivation or Intrinsic Motivation
  2. Artificial Motivation or Extrinsic Motivation

1. Natural or Intrinsic (Internal) Motivation
The natural or intrinsic motivation is an internal force within the individual which propels him to do certain activity. This type of motivation is directly linked with natural urges, instincts of the organism.

The naturally or intrinsically motivated individual performs an act because he finds interest in that particular activity. He is engaged in learning because he finds pleasure in the learning of that thing.

Eg: A student who enjoys solving mathematical problems and does the problem solving because he gets pleasure in that so he is naturally motivated for doing mathematical problems.

2. Artificial or Extrinsic (External) Motivation
The artificial or external motivation is an external force which propels him to do certain activity. In artificial motivation the source of motivation does not lie within the task. The individual does or learn particular task for obtaining some goal or some external reward.
External motivation should be used with caution because it can decrease the natural motivation.

Eg: A runner who wants to win the race will require constant practice compared to a person who runs for enjoying the fun from it.

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